
Majesty gold hd dragon
Majesty gold hd dragon

> Gnomes are great for repairing and building structures extremely fast however you cannot have dwarves or elves. But, hey, the sovereign makes tons of gold, so it could be offset by placing tons of lucrative bounties around. Also it may be just me, but I find that Heroes will often prefer Elven Lounges to going out and hunting monsters, so there will usually be too many monsters wandering around AND heroes without a penny to their name. Although this is good, Elven Lounges will suck up 100 gold per visiting hero (which could be spent on items to improve their survivability instead) and Gambling Halls further suck gold out of your heroes. > Elves are good for an economy for the sovereign but are bad for the heroes Having elven bungalows increases gold flow at every marketplace by double for each bungalow. However, they will not attack monster lairs or hunt monsters unless it has a reward flag on it. > Adepts appear to be a powerful ally, but their abilities don't really improve over time as much as Solarii do Adepts can move fast and will frequently defend buildings, reducing overall building attrition. You'll notice this right quick in the Siege Mission in Northern Expansion. Unless you have a serious number of statues, Rogues will attack your own buildings if a reward flag is placed on them OR other heroes. > Rogues are not very useful except to answer reward flags As their Crossbow doesn't benefit from Strength, their damage output will always remain low (unlike a Ranger whose damage increases over time with Strength). > Paladins although appear powerful initially taper off over time As their main Stat is INT rather than STR, they are actually in the longterm weaker than Warriors (STR per level) or Warriors of Discord (at least these guys get tons of HP) and as they lack any real offensive spells, the INT bonus is fairly wasted on them. > Monks are pious and a waste to a settlement They hardly purchase any items and don't respond to reward flags. I've had LV 15+ Priestess die to a Minotaur or a Troll. > Priestesses are even weaker than Wizards They can tame vampires and other undead, but are weak and pitiful in their own right. > Cultists are pitiful They can tame some powerful monsters like Werewolves and Medusae but other than that they hardly deal any damage on their own. > Warriors of Discord are suicidal If you get them to high levels they can be useful. > Barbarians are incredibly stupid They hardly ever buy anything, even healing potions. The thing I have found to be the most powerful combo is Healers + Warriors + Rangers + Wizards + Solarus + Dwarves (As they will all group up together).

Majesty gold hd dragon